Sunday, April 24, 2016

Docker History

1/18/13Docker project was created on GitHub by Andrea Luzzardi (engineer of dotCloud) using Go language and was maintained mostly by Hykes
3/27/13Docker: Automated and Consistent Software Deploymentsintroducing Docker for the 1st time
coreOS introduced a cloud supporting Docker images

CoreOS is building a container runtime, rkt
introducing compete product. A lot of arguments from two sides about Docker vs Rocket (rkt) on Hacker News
rkt, appc, and Docker: A Take on the Linux Container Upstream
"It would be better for the community if CoreOS and Docker collaborated on a standardized common spec, image format, and distribution protocol.” - riekrh
Industry Leaders Unite to Create Project for Open Container Standards
Open Container Initiative is created
App Container and the Open Container Project
written by Alex Polvi - CEO @CoreOSLinux
New Cloud Native Computing Foundation to Drive Alignment Among Container Technologies
Cloud Native Computing Foundation is created
What’s behind Linux’s new Cloud Native Computing Foundation?
Amazon Web Services, EMC and Microsoft not in CNCF (mostly lead by Google)
Making Sense of Container Standards and Foundations: OCI, CNCF, appc and rkt
written by Alex Polvi - CEO @CoreOSLinux
Celebrating the Open Container Initiative Image Specification
OCI Image Specification

Some names:

Alex Polvi - CEO @CoreOSLinux

Brandon Philips - CTO @CoreOSLinux

Solomon Hykes - Docker founder/CTO

Ben Golub - Docker CEO